
How to Keep Your Chill This Holiday Season

The holiday season is practically here, bringing a few things along with it. From cold weather to family get-togethers, there’s a ton to enjoy—and stress about—during the winter months. The most “wonderful time of the year” isn’t so wonderful for everyone. If you’re susceptible to the winter blues, anxiously counting down the months until you can emerge from your down-lined hiding place, just know you can get through it. As for the stress? That will pass too. Here are a few tips to help you keep your cool this holiday season. CBD Vape Pen Get Outside and (Try to) Enjoy It Winter isn’t all bad. Yeah, it’s cold, but there’s tons of stuff to do that you can’t do any other time of the year. From snowboarding to skiing, sledding, or even ice fishing, just because the days are shorter and the temps are colder doesn’t mean you can’t have outdoor fun. If you’ve always hidden inside, waiting for winter to wrap up, be spontaneous and try out a winter sport or hobby. Bundl...

Habits to Pick Up While You’re Still Young

Habits are an unstoppable force. If you’ve ever had to break a bad one, you already know it. They’re ingrained into our thoughts and actions, and the results and can stick with us for years. Habits aren’t all bad. What about good habits? These are the things you do that basically hijack the habit framework and push you closer toward success and happiness. The best part? You probably already have some that you don’t give quite enough credit. CBD products The double-edged sword part of a habit is that it can stick for years, if not decades, and only get stronger over time. This isn't so great when it comes to bad habits but is powerful for good ones. So, what habits should you start building right now that your future, older self will thank you for? Here are a few. Don’t Pass Up an Opportunity to Travel If you have the opportunity to go somewhere new, meet new people, and experience something different, always do it. Become a “yes” person who throws caution t...

It’s Go Time: Get Your Mind Right for These Big Moments with CBD

Life is full of nerve-racking, character-testing moments. Some are more common than others, but the thing about nerves is that everyone is nervous about something different. The person who always rocks it in job interviews? They’re possibly stressed out about driving in big cities.  Disposable Vape Pen We’re all different, and whether the situation is genuinely nerve-racking or just requires a bit more confidence than usual, getting that mental edge is key. Many people are choosing CBD oil for anxiety and say that it helps them get their mind right before the big moment. This isn’t to say that CBD is your cure for being nervous, but rather that it may help serve as a way to set your mind right, shutting down the nervous voice in your head and letting you know that it’s go time. Here are a few scenarios where CBD may come in handy. Big Presentation at Work You graduate school and assume that the days of creating flashy slideshows and presenting in front of th...

Could Vaping CBD Be Your Smoking Alternative?

Smoking is a habit that’s hard to quit, and even after people do quit, they often miss the physical sensation or just the reason to go outside a few times a day. Lately, vaping CBD has become popular amongst smokers, ex-smokers, and everyday people alike. Everyone has a different, very personal quitting journey, which vaping may or may not be part of. If you’re on the road, or already there, but find yourself missing certain aspects of smoking, vaping CBD could be a great alternative. CBD Vape Pen An Elevated CBD Experience Say goodbye to the addictive nicotine and enjoy the elevated experience of CBD vape oil . Many people have different reasons for taking CBD, but one fact that remains is that they prefer it as a part of their daily lives. CBD is the non-psychoactive cousin of THC and won’t give you the “high” associated with other cannabis products. Many people say that CBD helps them to relax and focus, however, which can be great during a tough day. The S...

Why Third-Party Testing Matters in CBD

CBD is big right now, and it seems like new brands set up shop every day. With so many options out there, the lines can start to blur, and separating the legit from the trend chasers is getting a little harder. One thing you can rely on for identifying a great CBD product is the third-party testing process. All of the best brands like Ignite test their CBD products before they go out to consumers. But the CBD world is a bit of a Wild West, and not everyone does thorough potency testing. They should, though, for the following reasons: CBD Vape It Tests for Purity and Concentration There’s more that goes into a bottle of CBD drops or a disposable CBD vape than just pure CBD extract. Carrier oil is a necessary component, and maybe a brand uses flavorings. Beyond these simple ingredients, however, there really shouldn’t be much else. Unfortunately, as with pretty much every product out there, there are going to be lower-quality variations that use fillers, artificial...

Truths About CBD Everyone Should Know

CBD is having its moment right now, and that moment will probably last for a while. It’s taking over the headlines everywhere, and people from all walks of life seem to swear by it. Maybe you’ve wanted to give it a try or just need a little more info about your favorite CBD products. Whatever the case, here are the things that everyone should know about CBD. Disposable Vape Pen There Are Tons of Ways to Take CBD Some people wrongfully assume that if you want that CBD goodness, you need to vape. While that’s definitely one way to take CBD, you have tons of other options out there. For example, companies like Ignite offer a few different CBD formats in their store. Among them, you’ll find CBD oil drops that give you a precise measurement, in addition to vapes, and even toothpicks you can chew on. Each method still gets you your CBD, but they have varying durations. CBD drops are quick and easy to take, but it can take a bit for the CBD to kick in. Once it does, ...

CBD and Other Ways to Let Go of a Stressful Workday

It doesn’t matter if you’re a plumber, an executive, or an underwater basket weaver, work can get pretty stressful. It happens to all of us, and some of us can handle that stress naturally more than others. If you feel like you’re about to blow a gasket because of your job or you feel unmotivated, it’s time to start doing something about it. Believe it or not, things like quality CBD products and simple daily habits can make you happier with your professional life. Here are a few tips.  Focus Your Mornings For many of us, getting through the morning can be rough without three or four cups of coffee. The morning is actually the perfect time for you to get a ton of work done and have a head start on the rest of the day—if you take full advantage of it. If you find that your stress comes from not getting enough done in the day and falling behind, focus up in the morning with a few drops of CBD oil.  Seek Clarity With a million things on the to-do list, it...