How to Keep Your Chill This Holiday Season

The holiday season is practically here, bringing a few things along with it. From cold weather to family get-togethers, there’s a ton to enjoy—and stress about—during the winter months. The most “wonderful time of the year” isn’t so wonderful for everyone. If you’re susceptible to the winter blues, anxiously counting down the months until you can emerge from your down-lined hiding place, just know you can get through it. As for the stress? That will pass too. Here are a few tips to help you keep your cool this holiday season.
CBD Vape Pen

Get Outside and (Try to) Enjoy It

Winter isn’t all bad. Yeah, it’s cold, but there’s tons of stuff to do that you can’t do any other time of the year. From snowboarding to skiing, sledding, or even ice fishing, just because the days are shorter and the temps are colder doesn’t mean you can’t have outdoor fun. If you’ve always hidden inside, waiting for winter to wrap up, be spontaneous and try out a winter sport or hobby. Bundle up and give it a shot—you might even like it.

Not a Snow Fan? Pick Up a Book

If you’ve been there, done that with the winter outdoor things and have confirmed you hate the snow, there’s no shame in hiding inside. Make the most of this time indoors and pick up a book. The long-form, “picking up a real book and reading for hours” type of reading is a lost art in the digital age.

There’s still something to be said for getting lost in a good novel. Start with the classics or something trending on the best-seller lists. Don’t worry, there isn’t a test or report due after you finish it, and it can help kill time between now and spring.

Don’t Let the Stress Get to You

With winter comes holiday get-togethers with the family. While most of us love seeing our family, some of us stress about it. Even if we have the best family members, holidays are bound to get a little stressful. Whether you’re hosting at your place this year or you’re just worried about getting caught in another political conversation with your uncle, it can be a little much.

Don’t let it get to you and instead keep your cool. Take it one thing at a time and supplement if you have to. Tons of people are finding their chill using CBD oil for anxiety and everyday stress. Who knows, maybe it could be for you and help you stay chill over the holidays.

Keep Your Perspective

Even if the holiday stresses start getting you down, keep everything in perspective. You have a few days off of work to relax and chill out with your CBD vape pen. Inhale, exhale, and enjoy your time with your family since you probably only see some of them once or twice a year. Catch up, make new memories, and plan ahead for a big year in 2020.

About Ignite

In a crowded field, Ignite stands as a premier CBD provider because of their unapologetic commitment to variety, quality, and upholding founder Dan Bilzerian’s iconic goat-skull-branded vision. If you follow him on Instagram, you already know the lifestyle—Ignite gives you a chance to live it out with their premium CBD products and apparel. Their products are formulated to cut through the noise, giving you results—not empty promises. Ignite sources their ingredients from the best names in the business, third-party testing along the way to keep standards high. Whether you’re looking for CBD oil drops, CBD vape oil, CBD toothpicks, or just want to rock the goat skull, Ignite is your choice. 

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