It’s Go Time: Get Your Mind Right for These Big Moments with CBD

Life is full of nerve-racking, character-testing moments. Some are more common than others, but the thing about nerves is that everyone is nervous about something different. The person who always rocks it in job interviews? They’re possibly stressed out about driving in big cities.
Disposable Vape Pen

We’re all different, and whether the situation is genuinely nerve-racking or just requires a bit more confidence than usual, getting that mental edge is key. Many people are choosing CBD oil for anxiety and say that it helps them get their mind right before the big moment.

This isn’t to say that CBD is your cure for being nervous, but rather that it may help serve as a way to set your mind right, shutting down the nervous voice in your head and letting you know that it’s go time. Here are a few scenarios where CBD may come in handy.

Big Presentation at Work

You graduate school and assume that the days of creating flashy slideshows and presenting in front of the group are over. Guess again. In tons of different positions, you still need to stand up in front of everyone and dictate information to the audience. Public speaking makes a ton of people nervous, but it’s not a huge deal when you’re confident and know your stuff. CBD may help give you that edge.

If you have a big presentation coming up at work, take a few CBD drops the morning of while you’re getting ready. By the time the presentation rolls around, you’ll be riding that confident feeling and ready to crush it in the office.

PR Day at the Gym

Setting a new personal record (PR) in the gym is a great feeling, but getting there and performing the actual lift can be a mixed bag. Are you going to be able to pull that weight off the ground, or will you hit a wall halfway through the lift? If you’re competing and PR day is competition day, the stakes are even higher, and the last couple inches of the lift could be the difference between a medal and going home empty-handed.

You didn’t work this hard to let your goal slip away. Before you hit the gym, take a serving of your favorite CBD oil and let it do its thing. You’ll be amped up and ready to push through the mental struggle that can, at times, be the secret to powerlifting success.

Before a First Date

Another nerve-racking experience many of us inevitably face is a big first date. Will they look like they did when you swiped right? Should you bring up your fantasy football title from last year or save that for another time? Should you order the ribs or a salad? There are so many questions with uncertain answers.

The truth? Don’t sweat it (sweating through your polo doesn’t make the best first impression anyway). Instead, bring your disposable vape pen along for the ride and take a few relaxing inhale-exhales before you get into the building. You’ll feel the CBD kick in quickly, helping you put your best foot forward.

About Ignite

In a crowded field, Ignite stands as a premier CBD provider because of their unapologetic commitment to variety, quality, and upholding founder Dan Bilzerian’s iconic goat-skull-branded vision. If you follow him on Instagram, you already know the lifestyle—Ignite gives you a chance to live it out with their premium CBD products and apparel. Their products are formulated to cut through the noise, giving you results—not empty promises. Ignite sources their ingredients from the best names in the business, third-party testing along the way to keep standards high. Whether you’re looking for CBD oil drops, CBD vapes, CBD toothpicks, or just want to rock the goat skull, Ignite is your choice. 

Shop all of Ignite’s CBD essentials at


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