Habits to Pick Up While You’re Still Young

Habits are an unstoppable force. If you’ve ever had to break a bad one, you already know it. They’re ingrained into our thoughts and actions, and the results and can stick with us for years. Habits aren’t all bad. What about good habits? These are the things you do that basically hijack the habit framework and push you closer toward success and happiness. The best part? You probably already have some that you don’t give quite enough credit.

CBD products
The double-edged sword part of a habit is that it can stick for years, if not decades, and only get stronger over time. This isn't so great when it comes to bad habits but is powerful for good ones. So, what habits should you start building right now that your future, older self will thank you for? Here are a few.

Don’t Pass Up an Opportunity to Travel

If you have the opportunity to go somewhere new, meet new people, and experience something different, always do it. Become a “yes” person who throws caution to the wind, hits their CBD vape, and just gets out and does stuff. As you get older, you’ll likely have more to hold you back, but at least you’ll have memories of that impromptu trip to Thailand to look back on.

Nip Bad Habits in the Bud

This one’s a little habit-ception—a habit within a habit. If you have bad habits already and you know it, make it a habit to stop them and keep trying until they’re gone. If you feel like bad habits are starting to form, like skipping the gym in the morning for a week straight, break the cycle and make yourself get out there. Look for alternatives for your bad habits too. Like if you’re a cigarette smoker, maybe try replacing it with a CBD oil vape instead. If you have a habit that you don’t like and you’re looking to break, you should seek to end it sooner rather than later.
Live for More Than Just the Weekend

It’s easy to get caught up in the workweek loop. You know the one: Wake up, go to work, come home, make dinner, go to bed. You do this for five days straight, all the while impatiently waiting for the weekend to come. It might not seem like it, but if you’re not doing anything after work, you’re wasting a good chunk of hours per week when you could be out there kicking back with friends or picking up a new hobby. The sooner you adopt this mindset, the better, because those underutilized hours can turn into weeks and years of free time you’re wasting.
Take Care of Yourself

For some, our 20s seem to be about as good as it gets. If you’re in your 30s and up, you might feel slightly less spring in your step. The good news is if you develop the right healthy habits now, they’ll carry with you as you age. Take care of yourself today and your future self will thank you.
About Ignite
In a crowded field, Ignite stands as a premier CBD provider because of their unapologetic commitment to variety, quality, and upholding founder Dan Bilzerian’s iconic goat-skull-branded vision. If you follow him on Instagram, you already know the lifestyle—Ignite gives you a chance to live it out with their premium CBD products and apparel. Their products are formulated to cut through the noise, giving you results—not empty promises. Ignite sources their ingredients from the best names in the business, third-party testing along the way to keep standards high. Whether you’re looking for CBD oil drops, CBD vapes, CBD toothpicks, or just want to rock the goat skull, Ignite is your choice.
Shop all of Ignite’s CBD essentials at Ignitecbd.co


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