Truths About CBD Everyone Should Know

CBD is having its moment right now, and that moment will probably last for a while. It’s taking over the headlines everywhere, and people from all walks of life seem to swear by it. Maybe you’ve wanted to give it a try or just need a little more info about your favorite CBD products. Whatever the case, here are the things that everyone should know about CBD. Disposable Vape Pen There Are Tons of Ways to Take CBD Some people wrongfully assume that if you want that CBD goodness, you need to vape. While that’s definitely one way to take CBD, you have tons of other options out there. For example, companies like Ignite offer a few different CBD formats in their store. Among them, you’ll find CBD oil drops that give you a precise measurement, in addition to vapes, and even toothpicks you can chew on. Each method still gets you your CBD, but they have varying durations. CBD drops are quick and easy to take, but it can take a bit for the CBD to kick in. Once it does, ...