
Showing posts from October, 2019

Truths About CBD Everyone Should Know

CBD is having its moment right now, and that moment will probably last for a while. It’s taking over the headlines everywhere, and people from all walks of life seem to swear by it. Maybe you’ve wanted to give it a try or just need a little more info about your favorite CBD products. Whatever the case, here are the things that everyone should know about CBD. Disposable Vape Pen There Are Tons of Ways to Take CBD Some people wrongfully assume that if you want that CBD goodness, you need to vape. While that’s definitely one way to take CBD, you have tons of other options out there. For example, companies like Ignite offer a few different CBD formats in their store. Among them, you’ll find CBD oil drops that give you a precise measurement, in addition to vapes, and even toothpicks you can chew on. Each method still gets you your CBD, but they have varying durations. CBD drops are quick and easy to take, but it can take a bit for the CBD to kick in. Once it does, ...

CBD and Other Ways to Let Go of a Stressful Workday

It doesn’t matter if you’re a plumber, an executive, or an underwater basket weaver, work can get pretty stressful. It happens to all of us, and some of us can handle that stress naturally more than others. If you feel like you’re about to blow a gasket because of your job or you feel unmotivated, it’s time to start doing something about it. Believe it or not, things like quality CBD products and simple daily habits can make you happier with your professional life. Here are a few tips.  Focus Your Mornings For many of us, getting through the morning can be rough without three or four cups of coffee. The morning is actually the perfect time for you to get a ton of work done and have a head start on the rest of the day—if you take full advantage of it. If you find that your stress comes from not getting enough done in the day and falling behind, focus up in the morning with a few drops of CBD oil.  Seek Clarity With a million things on the to-do list, it...

CBD FAQs: Answers to Your Burning Questions

CBD has blown up in the last year or so, and everyone—from small shops to multinational brands—is jumping on the CBD train. Maybe you have a friend that won’t stop talking about how great it is, and you’re not quite sure if they’re full of it or really onto something. Although there is still a ton that we can learn about CBD and its uses, we do have some answers to common questions. Let’s take a look at some of the frequently asked questions about CBD.  What Even Is CBD? CBD, short for cannabidiol, is derived from either cannabis or hemp. There are tons of different cannabinoids found in cannabis, CBD being just one of them that interacts with your body’s endocannabinoid system.  Will It Get You High? This is the second question people usually have. Although it’s in the same neighborhood as cannabis, it isn’t in the same house as THC, the chemical that produces the “high.” The Federal Government requires that CBD products must have no more than 0.3% THC ...