Be Like Dan Bilzerian: Whatever Your Goals Are, Here’s How You Make Them Happen
It doesn’t matter if you’re going for a promotion, a hot date, or you
want to live like a king overseas, nobody is ever going to just hand
your goals and dreams to you: you have to take them. Legends like Dan
Bilzerian might seem like everything was given to them, but the reality
is the dude is extremely busy behind the Instagram posts. From running a
company that sells quality CBD products, to appearing in movies, you gotta embrace the Bilzerian hustle if you want the goods.
So stop sitting around waiting for your goals to happen and take these steps to do something about it.
Define Your Goals
Some people like to float through life and take whatever it gives them. The thing is, you’re not taking full advantage of all of the opportunities out there by going with the flow. You need to have tangible ideas, things, or feelings to go after and never rest until you get there. Whether that means breaking out a pad of paper and writing it down or just making a mental note, make sure that you know exactly what you want so you can start with the end in mind.
Break It Down
Believe it or not, even if your goal is to be president or start the best CBD oil company out there, there’s always a first step, second step, third, and more after that. The point is, no matter how big or daunting that goal seems, you can probably get started on it in five minutes or less.
Instead of thinking about it as some impossible feat, think about it as a series of smaller steps. Start with step one and then move on. Step one could be getting up an hour early to put work in on personal projects or go to the gym, or seriously investigating a political science degree. Pretty soon you’ll start building momentum, and your end goals won’t look so far away, whether it’s the White House or a mansion full of models puffing away on your brand’s signature CBD oil.
Send It!
You can do all of the planning in the world, but when the rubber meets the road, you’ll have to take action. You probably have that one friend that always talks about what-ifs and makes excuses for why they haven’t made their goals happen. If you want to do everything in your power to avoid that trap, it’s time to get moving.
Who cares if you fail or fall short? Learn from it and adjust your plan. In actuality, the secret to success that many of those self-help books won’t tell you is that action conquers thoughts and words any day of the week. So take the first step, and just start doing it. You have to start somewhere, so why not right here?
Make Success a Habit
Success can be contagious and motivational in its own right. While there are tons of secret habits of successful people, you should try to create your own. Make a system that is dead simple to follow and attracts success. Whether that means waking up every morning to exercise first thing or staying five minutes late to get a little bit more work done than the other guy, make success a habit and don’t break it.
About Ignite
In an ever-growing CBD industry, Ignite separates themselves from the herd with their commitment to quality and innovation. Founded by the unofficial “king of Instagram” Dan Bilzerian, the company’s mission is to change the way the world views CBD and its derivatives. They offer a huge selection of products for a variety of uses. Some try CBD oil for anxiety while others like CBD vapes that keep the party going. They partner with some of the best producers in the country to deliver high-quality CBD oil. All of their stuff is third-party tested to ensure purity, and you can count on Ignite to continue leading the CBD revolution.
Shop Ignite’s full lineup of CBD products at
So stop sitting around waiting for your goals to happen and take these steps to do something about it.
Define Your Goals
Some people like to float through life and take whatever it gives them. The thing is, you’re not taking full advantage of all of the opportunities out there by going with the flow. You need to have tangible ideas, things, or feelings to go after and never rest until you get there. Whether that means breaking out a pad of paper and writing it down or just making a mental note, make sure that you know exactly what you want so you can start with the end in mind.
Break It Down
Believe it or not, even if your goal is to be president or start the best CBD oil company out there, there’s always a first step, second step, third, and more after that. The point is, no matter how big or daunting that goal seems, you can probably get started on it in five minutes or less.
Instead of thinking about it as some impossible feat, think about it as a series of smaller steps. Start with step one and then move on. Step one could be getting up an hour early to put work in on personal projects or go to the gym, or seriously investigating a political science degree. Pretty soon you’ll start building momentum, and your end goals won’t look so far away, whether it’s the White House or a mansion full of models puffing away on your brand’s signature CBD oil.
Send It!
You can do all of the planning in the world, but when the rubber meets the road, you’ll have to take action. You probably have that one friend that always talks about what-ifs and makes excuses for why they haven’t made their goals happen. If you want to do everything in your power to avoid that trap, it’s time to get moving.
Who cares if you fail or fall short? Learn from it and adjust your plan. In actuality, the secret to success that many of those self-help books won’t tell you is that action conquers thoughts and words any day of the week. So take the first step, and just start doing it. You have to start somewhere, so why not right here?
Make Success a Habit
Success can be contagious and motivational in its own right. While there are tons of secret habits of successful people, you should try to create your own. Make a system that is dead simple to follow and attracts success. Whether that means waking up every morning to exercise first thing or staying five minutes late to get a little bit more work done than the other guy, make success a habit and don’t break it.
About Ignite
In an ever-growing CBD industry, Ignite separates themselves from the herd with their commitment to quality and innovation. Founded by the unofficial “king of Instagram” Dan Bilzerian, the company’s mission is to change the way the world views CBD and its derivatives. They offer a huge selection of products for a variety of uses. Some try CBD oil for anxiety while others like CBD vapes that keep the party going. They partner with some of the best producers in the country to deliver high-quality CBD oil. All of their stuff is third-party tested to ensure purity, and you can count on Ignite to continue leading the CBD revolution.
Shop Ignite’s full lineup of CBD products at
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