
Showing posts from July, 2019

Read These Tips Before Bringing CBD Along for Your Summer Trips

Summer is here, and as you’re gearing up for the next big adventure, you might wonder whether your CBD is clear for takeoff. For the time being, CBD is still in a weird legal gray-area in many parts of the country, so it’s important to know a few facts and tips before traveling with CBD to make sure your vacay doesn’t go up in smoke. Are You Traveling High or Low? How you plan to get to your destination is a factor in how to travel with your CBD vape pen . If you’re taking to the skies, you’re going to have to deal with the TSA. If your CBD is hemp-derived, you could be okay—but keep in mind that every state will have different laws you must follow. There isn’t clear-cut guidance, but for what it’s worth, the TSA did post on their official Instagram account that they don’t actively search for marijuana or other drugs and their screening practices are based on security and detecting potential threats. Since CBD isn’t a drug, it’s likely to be not a big deal. On the othe...

Buying Your First CBD Vape Pen? Look for These Things

Vaping CBD is a popular choice for tons of people because of the convenience and experience of inhaling and exhaling. If you’re new to the CBD world and are ready to pick up your first CBD vape pen, you should know a few things. Most importantly, you shouldn’t blindly buy any old CBD pen you find online or at the local mall kiosk. Not all CBD vapes are created equal, but there are tons of great options out there if you know what to look for.  Adequate Dosage Along with the quality of the CBD itself, you also want to make sure that your new CBD vape will provide enough relief without having to sit and puff on it for hours. On the flip side, you also don’t want to buy CBD vape oil that is too strong for you, so finding the right dosage is a must. Even though CBD won’t get you high (at least hemp-derived, 0% THC CBD won’t) there are still different levels to it. Everyone’s needs are different, so before you click the buy button, you should do a little bit of rese...

How Much Is Enough? Tips to Help You Find the Right Dose of CBD

Many first-timers and even experienced CBD users are curious about what an adequate dose is for them. Just like how you might need more protein than someone else, everyone’s ideal CBD level will be different depending on a few factors. Finding that sweet spot will ensure that you’re getting the relief you need without wasting your CBD, or using too little and not feeling the full effects.  Why Are You Taking CBD? Different needs require different amounts of CBD in each serving. It really is that simple, so the first step to figuring out how much CBD to take is to sit down and think about why you want to take it. Are you thinking about using it to help find relief, or are you looking into CBD oil for anxiety ? What about helping you unwind after a long day or helping you get a mental edge to start the day? Many people take CBD for many reasons—it all comes down to your personal needs and choices. The Factors to Consider in a CBD Dose So, how much CBD is enough...